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FQHESphereQuasiholesWithSpinTimeReversalSymmetryConvertStates convert states written in the quasihole basis with a fixed number of particles to the quasihole basis with all particle numbers. To convert a single state, we just have to use

$PATHTODIAGHAM/build/FQHE/src/Programs/FQHEOnSphere/FQHESphereQuasiholesWithSpinTimeReversalSymmetryConvertStates --directory nphi_21_cylinder_perimeter_8.000000 --input-state fermions_cylinder_perimeter_8.000000_su2_quasiholes_symlinearmomentum_cenergy_0.000000_n0_0.000000_pairing_n_14_2s_21_sz_0_lz_0.0.vec

nphi_21_cylinder_perimeter_8.000000 is the directory where the Hilbert space description is stored (created with e.g. FQHECylinderQuasiholeMatrixElements ). The code will convert the vector fermions_cylinder_perimeter_8.000000_su2_quasiholes_symlinearmomentum_cenergy_0.000000_n0_0.000000_pairing_n_14_2s_21_sz_0_lz_0.0.vec defined in the quasihole subspace with 14 particles to the full space, storing the output in the new binary vector fermions_cylinder_perimeter_8.000000_su2_quasiholes_symlinearmomentum_cenergy_0.000000_n0_0.000000_pairing_fixedn_14_n_0_2s_21_sz_0_lz_0.0.vec. Note that the name is changed and includes a string that indicates that it comes from a state with a fixed number of particles (here fixedn_14).

If we want to convert several states belonging to the same quasihole subspace (same number of particles, angular momentum and number of flux quanta), we can use this alternate form

$PATHTODIAGHAM/build/FQHE/src/Programs/FQHEOnSphere/FQHESphereQuasiholesWithSpinTimeReversalSymmetryConvertStates --directory nphi_21_cylinder_perimeter_8.000000 --degenerate-states states_n_14_2s_21.dat

where states_n_14_2s_21.dat is a single column text file that contains the list of vectors to convert, like
