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FQHESphereBosonsWithSpin is the analogue of FQHETorusBosonsWithSU2SpinTwoBodyGeneric for bosons having a SU(2) internal degree of freedom on the sphere geometry. It also has similarities with the fermionic version FQHESphereFermionsWithSpin or the SU(3)/SU(4) codes FQHESphereBosonsWithSU3Spin/FQHESphereBosonsWithSU4Spin.

Basis choice and compatibility

A big warning about the data generated with this code. Unless you know what you are doin, you should always include the --use-alt option. It has internally two ways to organize the many-body Hilbert space resulting in different eigenstate components. This is for historical reason. Most codes using the eigenstate either allow to switch from one convention to another (using the --use-alt) or will assume that the data is generated with the --use-alt (see, e.g., FQHESphereWithSU2SpinRotation).