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FQHEMPSEMatrix diagonalizes the MPS tranfer matrix of various models states.
As a simple example, here is how to compute both the left and right eigenstates (for the largest eigenvalue) for the Laughlin state 1/3
$PATHTODIAGHAM/build/FQHE/src/Programs/FQHEOnSphere/FQHEMPSEMatrix --p-truncation 14 --trim-qsector --ematrix-memory 0 -S --use-nonrational --fixed-qsector --laughlin-index 3 --show-itertime --right-eigenstates --left-eigenstates --diagonal-block --normalize-cylinder --processors 4 --cylinder-perimeter 20.0 --boson -S
Beware that some code changes occurred around 2021. Even for a fermionic Laughlin state, the --boson option should be used to benefit from a more optimal MPS construction.