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FQHEDiskRealSpacePartitionCoefficients is the analogue of FQHECylinderRealSpacePartitionCoefficients for the disk geometry. A typical usage is

$PATHTODIAGHAM/build/FQHE/src/Programs/FQHEOnDisk/FQHEDiskRealSpacePartitionCoefficients -s 27 --radius 5

The number of flux qunanta is specified by -s and the radius of the circular region <math>A</math> centred at the origin is set by --radius. The code generates a text file realspace_disk_radius_5.000000_2s_27.dat that should contain

   # real space coefficients for disk cut of radius 5 on a disk with N_phi=27
   OrbitalSquareWeights = 0.99999627334683 0.99994969018218 0.99965854540311 0.99844544215699 0.99465449451286 0.98517712540256 0.96543260642275 0.93017453681595 0.87508380305533 0.79856889505446 0.70292526005338 0.59423931118852 0.48102478112095 0.37216465605598 0.2749681158194 0.19397099895558 0.13069200140573 0.084163326736715 0.051851747105456 0.030594128926997 0.017308117565459 0.0093997774693063 0.0049064024146738 0.0024643507545475 0.0011924488482317 0.0005564978950738 0.00025075224451712 0.00010920333222236

This file can be used with codes such as FQHESphereFermionEntanglementEntropyParticlePartition to perform the real space entanglement spectrum.